Evaluation the adsorption ability of carbon onion peel on Ca ions


  • Krissandarta Tarigan 082160349596
  • Juna Sihombing Politeknik teknologi Kimia Industri Medan
  • Adil Barus Politeknik teknologi Kimia Industri Medan


Carbon, adsorption, calcium ions, Karbon, adsorpsi, ion Kalsium


Onion peel is one of the solid waste produced either from the onion processing industry or waste from household waste. Onion peels contains cellulose compounds that are quite high, which is 41-50% as well as aromatic compounds. It is underlying that onion skin can be used as a raw material in the manufacture of carbon. One of the uses of carbon is as an adsorbent in the conditioning of pH and TDS levels in water waste.Ca and Mg ions will be exchanged with Na and K ions from the carbon, so that the water is free from hardness. In this study, we carried out the Carbon which was tested for its absorption capacity of Ca 2+ ions. In this study, we carried out an adsorption test with a carbon weight parameter of 0; 0,3; 0,5;0,7; and 0,8 for a mixture of water containing hardness, namely Ca2+ ions. Stirring speed is about 50 rpm. The adsorption contact time was 20 minutes. The results of complexiometric analysis of calcium content showed that the optimum adsorption of carbon towards Ca ions occurred at a carbon weight of 0,4165 g, which was 78,5645 ppm. Based on this, the more Carbon added to adsorb calcium ions, the higher the adsorption effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Tarigan, K., Sihombing, J. ., & Barus, A. (2023). Evaluation the adsorption ability of carbon onion peel on Ca ions. Jurnal Rekayasa, Teknologi Proses Dan Sains Kimia (REPROKIMIA), 2(2), 61–70. Retrieved from https://akses.ptki.ac.id/jurnal/index.php/reprokimia/article/view/133

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