Pelatihan Pembuatan Sabun Padat Transparan Berbahan Dasar Minyak Jelantah di IKM T.A Rezeki Kelurahan Simpang Selayang Kecamatan Medan Tuntungan Kota Medan
Training, Transparent Soap, Used Cooking OilAbstract
: This community service activity aims to provide training to the community at
IKM T.A Rezeki on how to make transparent soap made from used cooking oil. The interest
and enthusiasm of the community at IKM T.A Rezeki in Medan Selayang is great for this
community service activity so that two-way communication between instructors and
participants is well established. The activity participants were dominated by housewives who
were still in their productive age (20 to 50 years), so the instructors did not encounter
significant difficulties in explaining each stage of making transparent solid materials in
building small and medium enterprises. The activity was received enthusiastically and very
well with the aim of producing a new product in the form of transparent solid soap to utilize
household waste in the form of used cooking oil.